8-23-24 Transform Your Life with the Power of Myth

Discover Myth and Storytelling


Discover the Power of Mythology and Storytelling

Are you ready to embark on an adventure of self-discovery and intellectual growth?

At The Hip Hop Evangelist, we believe that understanding mythology, mastering the heroic journey, and honing storytelling skills can transform not only your personal life but also your professional trajectory.

The Heroic Journey: Your Path to Greatness

Joseph Campbell’s concept of the Hero's Journey isn't just for ancient myths—it's a powerful framework for personal development and achieving your goals.

Whether you’re navigating the corporate world or pursuing creative endeavors, the hero’s journey provides a roadmap for overcoming obstacles and reaching your full potential.

Consider this: 80% of successful entrepreneurs attribute their achievements to a clear understanding of their personal and professional narrative.

By embracing the heroic journey, you can gain clarity on your own path, identify your unique challenges, and develop the resilience needed to overcome them.

Another Poll

Like the Seasons (An Original Poem by Miquiel Banks)

As the Season of Spring brings the song of birds,

So does love exist whenever your voice is heard.

Why yearn for the beauty of Spring’s Season-

It's useless for life when you keep me breathing.

The summer breeze cleans the atmosphere

And it is not reason enough to stay here.

The Trees, the Breeze, the Flowers, the Season-

Why like the weather, you keep me breathing.

The Fall leaves fly with the flow of the wind

And lie scattered at night, useless again.

Like these leaves lie still on the ground,

So does life stop when you're not around.

The Winter season heals emotional wounds.

Sore-Frozen overcast, Snow-Frozen Groom.

Now that Heaven is here and you are Host,

I consecrate comfort and embrace love roast.

Want to become a Polymath?

Do you dream of mastering multiple disciplines, weaving together diverse skills, and becoming a true jack-of-all-trades?

Our new ebook, I Want to Become a Polymath, is your magical gateway to achieving just that.

Let's dive into the transformative journey of polymath development using the vibrant power of hip hop culture and the collective genius of scenius.

Why This Book?

Ever wondered how some people excel in various fields effortlessly?

The secret lies in harnessing the right mindset and tools.

This guide isn't just about theory; it's about practical strategies that normal people can use to become polymaths.


Image for Get UNSTUCK by Pat Flynn

Get UNSTUCK by Pat Flynn

Your weekly five-minute read

Starting and growing a business can be hard, and sometimes you might feel stuck. Our weekly newsletter, Unstuck, gets delivered to over 100,000 people each week to help them get unstuck. We'd love to help you, too.

Image for Liner Notes

Liner Notes

by Robonzo

I'm a musician and host of The Unstarving Musician podcast. Liner Notes is my biweekly newsletter that shares some of the best knowledge gems garnered from the many conversations featured on the Unstarving Musician. Topics covered include, songwriting, touring, sync licensing, recording, house concerts, marketing, and more.


Miquiel approached us with a unique topic pitch, drafted all content to a high quality, and added a creative flair that was unique and customer-focused.

Julie Harrison

Director of Marketing, Corel

My Pitch Deck was professionally done, with a quick turnaround time, and now ready to market to the film industry. I highly recommend his company in handling any of your marketing needs!

Caletta Harris

Director/DP/Editor, Reel2Real Productions

Better Safe than SAF,

Miquiel Banks

Content Generation & Polymath Development

P.O. Box 154, Greenville, South Carolina 29602
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